Rocco Tasca is a successful lawyer who works for the prestigious law firm Sforza. He’s in love with his colleague Alice and friend of Virgil, a former policeman now private investigator. He leads a happy life by winning a lawsuit after another. A Case of Conscience is intended, however, to completely overturn its existence. After doing fulfill a businessman involved in a car accident that caused the wrongful death of a boy, he accused the mother of the latter’s negligence. Rocco feels growing within him a strong remorse. Shortly after, while at home, receives the visit of the mother of the boy, who committed suicide in front of him. From that moment the life of the lawyer Tasca changes radically. He decides to leave the firm Sforza and to leave Alice. The attempts of women to get him back are useless. From this moment, Rocco will devote to the defense of the weak and the poor.

Un caso di coscienza 2
Luigi Perelli

Sebastiano Somma, Loredana Cannata, Barbara Livi


Stefano Pancaldi

Set design

Enzo Forletta


Mauro Bonanni

Un caso di coscienza 2

di Luigi Perelli

Red Film (6 x 100’) 2004