Kiko is a teenager Italian-Phiilipin. It is divided between the desire to continue the studies and the edil works of the new mother’s partner, he is forced to work with illegal immigrants. After the death of his father, it seems that Kiko has no dreams. He feels alone, thrown at the mercy of an unjust world. He inherited a disastrous economic situation, but also a precious treasure: the desire to raise his eyes to heaven and confront the universe, with the grandeur and beauty. The arrival of Hector, mysterious character who claims he was once a teacher, lights the fuse and puts him in contact with Plato, Nietzsche, Leopardi.

Se chiudo gli occhi non son più qui
Vittorio Moroni

Giorgio Colangeli, Giuseppe Fiorello, Mark Manaloto, Hazel Morillo, Vladimir Doda, Anita Kravos,Elena Arvigo, Stefano Scherini, Ivan Franek


Massimo Schiavon

Set design

Fabrizio D’Arpino


Marco Piccarreda


Maremosso, Lo Scrittoio

Se chiudo gli occhi non son più qui

di Vittorio Moroni

50N s.r.l. in collaborazione con RaiCinema 2011