With a reputation as one of the greatest, most mysterious cinema lovers, Piero Tortolina became a reference point for an entire generation of film buffs. The film takes viewers on a journey to meet those who knew him, while bringing to life a forgotten era defined by cine-clubs. The story is one of unbridled passion, which depicts Piero Tortolina’s relation to invisible film from engineer, to pirate, to underwater explorer.
“Telling Piero Tortolina’s story was something that needed to be done, because in many ways, it was like telling the story of Italian cinema through the eyes of an extraordinary cinephile, perhaps the last real one, in a time when cinema was huge and the passionate reactions it caused extraordinary. As someone who had witnessed classical American film of the 1930s and 1940s, Tortolina was aware of the uncertain trajectory cinema was bound to. But until the bitter end, he never stopped being curious, taking an interest in new directors and trusting the young.” (Marco Segato)
Gian Piero Brunetta, Ornella Buratto, Mario Carraro, Lorenzo Codelli, Piero Colussi, Carl Davis, Gian Luca Farinelli, Enrico Ghezzi, Sergio Grmek Germani, Livio Jacob, Sirio Luginbühl, Carlo Mazzacurati, Paolo Mereghetti, Carlo Montanaro, Tatti Sanguineti
Prodotto da Francesco Bonsembiante per Jolefilm
in collaborazione con La Cineteca del Friuli e Cineteca di Bologna con il sostegno di AcegasAps, Fondazione Antonveneta e di Regione del Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Commission
Pier Paolo Giarolo
Sara Zavarise
Guano Padano
Marco Zambrano