Anybody making films is well aware of the value of being able to get from the sea to the mountains in an hour’s journey.

People who tell stories with images know the importance of finding little-used, if not yet undiscovered, locations. Those who write want to know stories, people, and places that few people know exist.

All this is still possible in FVG!

Ask us for the locations you are looking for, our photographic database is available to you!

Suggest Location

Do you have a location that you think might be of interest to us? Fill out the form and we will let you know

We are always looking for new locations to recommend to film, television, and documentary productions. If you would like to present your home, office, or business as a possible set, please fill in the form and send us a maximum of ten photographs (max 5 Mb total). The inclusion of the location in the FVGFC database does not guarantee that it will be selected by productions to become the set of a film or television production.
There are no limitations in terms of square footage, as long as the space is not too small because, in addition to the stage space, the space for the crew at work must always be calculated.
The pictures will be used by FVGFC to submit, on a non-profit basis, the location to production companies filming in Friuli Venezia Giulia. The submitted photos will never be published online. The inclusion of the location in the database has no cost and cancellation of the entry can be requested at any time.

Maximum file size: 4MB